Head in the Starlight


Read this blog!: http://blog.talenthouse.com/2012/04/23/dulani-wilsons-headlights-video-shines-bright/ Official Video above (now with 2 haters!). It'll be on Vevo, MUZU soon enough so they can hate it there too. Sum up, I think theres about at least 5 projects I need to go handle over next week. Not that I'm bothered really. Being sick sucks

A Morning Parade in my Honour

Hey gang, I was just going through the whole net surfing ish, catching some waves and came across this rad post on Morning Parade Official Website: http://www.morningparade.com/news/headlights-video-competition/ Ah good times. The vid I did is at a 1000+ views so thanks muchos for the supportus (I got D in Spanish at high school [spent too... Continue Reading →

Phalla C’s “Cry”

Here's the other music video King/Wilson did for  Phalla C  called Cry. It has gotten couple views since its been up, all good so can't complain. The original concept was more complex than this but every director knows, especially on a budget, ideas always get amended so never become too attached to them. But the... Continue Reading →

DYE’s Fantasy

How wonderfully weird is this? Sum up, Turned on and freaked out and laughing in less than a minute. WTF. Nice Animation. Good directing Jérémie Périn  

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